June 13, 2024

American Legion—Pequot Lakes

Meeting Minutes

5:00- 5:30:  Registration and Socialization

5:30-6:00: Presentation by Jarrett Drileck from SWCD

  • Notes from presentation
    • Upper Hay has been apart of the 1 Watershed 1 Plan initiative for 4.5 years and at the 5 year mark SWCD will reassess stats and goals so the goals may change however the current plan is available on their website to review
    • If anyone is interested in installing a rain garden, Jarrett encourages you to reach out to him directly as they are very helpful for reducing phosphorus – Upper Hay Lake goal was to have 10 installed
    • There are opportunities to apply to the cost share program with SWCD and they can help with up to 50% of the project costs if you are approved.  The approval process is about 1 year.

6:00-6:30:  Dinner

6:30-7:30:  Business Meeting

7:30-8:00:  UHLA Board Meeting

BUSINESS MEETING began at 6:38


I.                President’s Welcome

II.             Approval of Agenda – Motion by Cindy Rick , Second by Dan Obermiller, motion passes

III.            Reading of the 2023 Annual Meeting Minutes Brad Kaus read old minutes – motion to approve Cathy Larson, Second by Lori Engel – motion passes

IV.           Treasurer’s Report – Brad Kaus read report motion – Motion by Neil Beaverson, Second by Cindy Rick – motion passes

V.             Introduction of UHLA Board Members – Greg Thomas new board member – we still need one more board member

VI.           Introduction of UHLA Members – we did not do this

VII.         Election of UHLA Board Members president – Brad Schultz, VP – Neil Beaverson Secretary- Maddie Finance – Brad Kaus Members at large – Whitey Larson, Greg Thomas, Jack,

VIII.        Upcoming Events:

1.     July 4, 2024 – Friday 7/5 Boat Parade; 3:00 P.M. Gather at boat landing at 2:45; Prizes for decorated watercraft to be awarded – Please do not through water balloons

2.     August Event – Snarky Loon Mixer with speaker

 Snarky Loon – follow up with time and date via email and July Newsletter

IX.           Concerns of lake residents:

  • Brad Schultz- Outlet to the lake and reeds growing there – hybrid cattail out there that is choking the natural plant life
  • Patrick Botz – want to clear a path to open water – in need of service providers – check out WAPOA, DNR or UHLA websites under lake service providers
  • Brent Mcpherson– let us know that there are two baby loons – reminder to stay clear of the nest to give them space – National Loon Center has offered advice on placement of future nests
  • Maureen Beaverson – how can we work to make sure that residents are receiving minutes and/or getting information

X.             Closing Remarks:

Brent Mcpherson motion to adjorn –  Second by Steven Boca – motion passes


June 15, 2023

 Pequot Lakes American Legion

  1. President Claire Steen called the meeting to order at 5:50PM at the American Legion in Pequot Lakes.  Present were Claire Steen, Judy Murphy, Neil Beaverson,  Jack Woodruff, Brad Kaus , Brad Schultz, Whitey Larson and Lori Engel.  Board Member not in attendance Ken Meyer.  
  2. The agenda was presented in print form.  There were no changes or additions to it.  Judy Murphy motioned to accept agenda as written. Bruce Ohland seconded.  All in favor no nays. 
  3.  The minutes from last year’s annual meeting were available to all in print.  A motion for approval of the minutes was made by Bruce Ohland and seconded by Neil Beaverson.  All in favor no nays. 
  4.  As Ken is the treasurer there was no treasurers report this time. 
  5. Claire introduced the board members present.  Claire introduced the current board members and noted that Lori Engel and Judy Murphy will be leaving the board.  So we are in need of two new members.  Maddie Nelson expressed interest and agreed to serve.  Dan Obermiller also agreed to serve.  
  6. Maps of the lake with all current residents are available in print to all 
  7. Neil Beaverson gave a presentation on the status of our lake.  This is a shoreline report by the DNR.  Neil also had a survey that allowed each homeowner to examine his own property and give it a rating.  No resident was judged or asked to share.  It was just for each to review themselves.  Neil talked about our lake having a problem with phosphorus.  This is NOT caused by farming or coming in the creek.  It is coming off of the properties.  The outlet has a lot of cattails because it is trying to filter the water as it leaves.  Neil urges all to consider adding one tree or plants along the shoreline.  Not necessarily big things but small will help.  Cindy Reick talked about the various things she has done on her shoreline.  While she has had some failures or not as successful as she would wish, she talks about our lake being difficult to manage the shoreline. 
  8. July 4 Boat Parade- Will be held SUNDAY July 2- Rain date- July 3

@ 3PM.  If there is a 50% chance of storm decision will be made to move to July 3. 

  1. Maddie Nelson and Dan Obermiller are elected as new board members. 

There is one position that is for one year and one position for two years. 

  1. Thursday August 3- 5PM meeting at American Legion Pequot Lakes.  Burger night again.  Maybe a speaker. 
  1. Concerns of Residents:
  1. Lights on at night.  It is very difficult to see stars when there are bright lights on.  Please look at your own and share this information with neighbors. Information to go in newsletter again to remind. 
  2. Respect for others on the lake- do not come in close to shorelines, or close to people fishing.  
  3. Shoreline restoration- part of the information Neil shared could be taken upon by plantings on the shore.  There is a $600 grant through the association to do restoration.  Must be applied for and accepted. 
  4. Use circle hooks with no barbs to prevent the killing of fish when fishing. 
  5. Concern about possible over fishing our lake.  Other lakes in the area have limits on crappies and sunfish.  Ours does not.  We need to appeal to DNR to institute a limit on our lake too, 
  1. Closing remarks by President Claire. 

Recognition of people on the lake for a long time. 

Cindy Reick- 45 years

Robbs-celebrating 67 Anniversary

28 years on lake 

 Many others in attendance also many years on the lake.  Welcome to all.  

  1. Motion to adjourn Bruce Ohland, second Kathy Larson 

Adjourn 6:30PM