The Upper Hay Lake Association was formed on July 4, 1992 when about 60 folks met at the American Legion in Pequot Lakes.

Our first officers were:
President: William Moen
Vice President: Lance Strandberg
Secretary/Treasurer: Bob Smith

Board of Directors:
John Frober
Marvin Trees
Darrell Howieson
Mike Higgins

The first Annual Membership Meeting was held on September 5, 1992 at the Jenkins VFW which continues to be the site of our meetings. Currently, we meet on the Saturday prior to Memorial Weekend.  The meeting starts at 8:00 a.m.  Complimentary doughnuts and coffee are served.

Also interesting to note are the concerns voiced by members as they made recommendations for courses of action to be taken by the Association:
1. What can be done to stop weed growth
2. Checking the water quality of inlets
3. Maybe having a sign calling attention to milfoil concerns at the access
4. Concern of people leaving litter on ice during winter fishing’
5. Concern of outlet creek that obstructions within may deter fish coming up to spawn
6. Also concern was expressed by one person as to public access being too narrow for heavy use periods.

President Moen indicated the Board would see what can be done with any of these matters and he also would try and keep everyone informed by some communication between annual meetings.

A lot has happened since 1992. Today our membership is almost at 100. When you consider that we have about 140 properties on the lake, that’s pretty good. We would like to see more.

On June 8, 1995 the Upper Hay Lake Association was legally organized under the laws of Minnesota as a non-profit corporation.

On February 13, 2009 the Upper Hay Lake Association received tax exempt status from the Internal Revenue Service. This means that contributions made to the Association are tax deductible.

Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan
Beginning in 2006 a committee was formed to address the problem of vegetation in the lake. Following discussions with the Department of Natural Resources (MnDNR) we put together a comprehensive Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan that was approved and signed by the DNR in 2007.

Lake Management Plan
Beginning in 2006, another committee was formed to formulate a lake management plan. We worked with the Initiative Foundation of Little Falls, MN and in 2007 we received approval of our 57 page plan.

Refer to the current plan below.


Lake Assessment Program
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (PCA) has conducted 2 Lake Assessments at the request of the Association. One was completed in 1997 and another in 2008.  An update of this assessment needs to be explored.

The above Plans and Programs can be linked from this website under their appropriate sub topic areas.

Water Quality Testing
The Association began water quality testing back in 1992 when Mike Higgins took on the task. That program continues today. We continue that program with samples being taken at the inlet, middle of the lake and in the outlet every month. Secchi disc readings are taken weekly.  The data isthen passed on to the appropriate agency.

Weed Control
The Association no longer obtains permits for interested members to apply chemicals for the treatment of weeds and swimmer’s itch. Some members apply their own chemicals and others contract with a professional applicator for treatment. Also, the Association has contracted in the past with a professional applicator to remove vegetation in the outlet that prevents small craft from traveling to Lower Hay Lake.  The vegetation has blocked the outlet and renewed interest in rectifying this issue has been voiced by members.

Today, the Association sends out 3 newsletters annually. In addition, we hold our Annual Membership meetings in June each year and host a social event (i.e. Social mixer at Snarky Loon) for members in August.

Other original concerns from 1992:
The public access has been moved from Cone Road to its present location on the west shore. It has been widened, parking space created and signage concerning the spread of Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) is in place.

We continue to monitor the condition of the lake and conducted a Septic System Inspection program in the past.  Interested parties can receive a septic compliance inspection at Association expense. In the first year about 40 people took advantage of the program. We also encourage property owners to implement a Shoreline Restoration Project in which native vegetation is planted to reduce the effects of erosion due to wave action and runoff from our property. The Association offers a monetary contribution to help with the cost of the project.  In 2024 the Board of Directors approved reimbursement of the initial site inspection by the CWSWCD ($150.00 fee).  Property owners must have a UHLA board member present at the inspection and receive a plan from the inspector.  A copy of the receipt initially paid by the property owner for the inspection can be emailed to the Association at:

Please click on subjects in the left hand column that interest you. Subtopics will appear. Again click on the ones of interest.

Thanks for visiting our website.