If you intend to apply chemicals (either through PLM or “do it yourself”), you need to let us know NOW so we can include you in the Association’s permit application. Fill out the Chemical Permit Application and return it today along with your Membership Application, dues, and fees to UHLA, P.O. Box 769, Pequot Lakes, MN 56472. Please be sure to complete ALL categories. One thing people seem to neglect is their lakeshore footage. The proposed treatment area should be as follows:
- Submerged vegetation
40-ft. along shore by 150-ft. lakeward - Swimmer’s itch
100-ft. along shore by 100-ft. lakeward
This is the maximum area allowed for a 100 ft. lot.
If you have filled out this information, you will not be doing a channel out to open water. (To do the channel, you will have to apply directly to the DNR as our multi-party permit only allows one procedure.) We will take care of the paperwork and you’ll get some financial help from us. Your permit cost remains at $25 if you plan to apply vegetation control either through PLM or doing your own as long as you are on the Association’s permit. The Association covers any cost for swimmer’s itch application permits. BUT, Ken Meyer needs your paperwork now so we can have the permit in place when it’s time to apply. If we don’t hear from you by March 27, it will be too late to get in on our permit and it will cost you an extra $10 to apply direct. If this is your first time applying for an aquatic vegetation permit, please apply directly to the DNR on a two-page permit application.
If you are interested in having PLM apply chemicals for vegetation control and/or swimmer’s itch, call them direct at (218) 270-3338. You will need to get pricing directly from them and sign a contract with PLM.
Who will apply the treatment?
_____ Yourself _____ PLM (Patrick Selter)
What type of treatment?
_____ Vegetation _____ Swimmers Itch
Please furnish a simple sketch of your lakeshore showing where your dock is located and where you are applying the chemicals.