Upper Hay Lake Association
2017 Annual Membership Meeting
Jenkins VFW Club
May 20, 2017
Sign in, Pancake Breakfast, and Pay Dues.
At 9:00 am President Claire Steen called the meeting to order and introduced Marv Koep, our guest speaker. Marv has been a fishing guide for a number of years in this area. He told tales of fishing as well as fishing suggestions. A number of lake members had questions for him and we all learned a lot. Get those Red Tails which are unique for our area!
President Claire gave a warm welcome to all attending. Attendance this year was 37. Hap Levander made a motion and Keith Hughes seconded to approve the agenda. All approved.
Hap Levander moved, Mike Beauprez seconded the approval of the secretary’s minutes (which were passed out). Approved. Treasurer, Ken Meyer, was absent but copies of his report were also handed out to everyone. Hap Levander made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Keith Hughes. All in favor.
President Claire Steen introduced the UHLA board members – Bruce Ohland, Mickey Perwien, Jill Bergstrom, Judy Murphy, and Jan Marshall. Absent was Whitey Larson and Steve Scarborough who has moved. Also introduced was Craig Swandal, a new member to our Lake.
AIS Inspection at Boat Landing – President Claire presented this as an employment opportunity earning $11.00/hour. UHL has been granted 450 hours for the summer. Ed Nelson, from Pine River, is our new person at the landing. Stop by to see him. He would greatly appreciate some company. Our association greatly appreciates the funding received.
Gene DeLong gave a loon report stating he spoke with Ken Meyer and we have one loon sitting on 1 or 2 eggs in front of the Meyer’s. The eggs should be hatching in approximately one week. More news to follow. No report has been received on last year’s eggs which were sent in to the U of M and forwarded to Conn.
Gene DeLong reported on water quality testing. There is a new company – RMB in Detroit Lakes – that does the testing. Upper Hay has the best clarity that we have had in a long time, not perfect, but better! He emphasized that we all need to be aware of where water is going and what it is taking with it. Gene complimented us that we are doing better. Beth McGarry is working with Gene on water quality testing.
The subject of no wake zone has been brought up before. Research tells us that Crow Wing County determines the wake zone.
The topic of rentals was on the agenda which created much discussion as this is becoming a huge problem. At present there are 5 units being rented out, maybe more. Because it was felt we need governmental guidelines, a suggestion was made we all contact our legislature regarding rentals. Mike Dubay suggested that we get in touch with Chris Pence of the Crow Wing County Land Services, a department that regulates public land. It was definitely agreed upon that the Lake Association needs to do something about protocol for renters, listing regulations for lake living. A suggestion was made that the UHLA Board compose a letter listing rules and regulations. The Board is taking this into consideration.
Shoreline Restoration – Interested in receiving a $600 donation from UHLA? Check with the UHLA Board Members. WAPOA has a restoration contest in progress. See Claire for more information. Cindy Riech reported on her shoreline and projects she has done. A lot of effort has been put forth by Cindy on her shoreline. Check it out!
Boat Parade for the July 4th celebration is planned for Sunday, July 2 at 3:00 pm. This year the parade will start out at the Boat Landing and go all around the lake. A reminder will be e-mailed to decorate your boat and join in the fun.
Annual Picnic is planned for Saturday, August 5 starting at noon. In case of increment weather, the picnic will be on Saturday, August 12. Bruce Ohland is chairman for the food. Everyone is asked to bring a dish to share, chairs to sit on and join us at the Hay Lake Lodge.
President Claire gave a brief report on the Pine River Watershed and encouraged all to join by sending in a donation. The Watershed is doing great things for our lake. WRAPS is working with both Upper and Lower Hay.
Nominations were received for the 3 positions open on the UHLA Board of Directors. Nominated were Judy Murphy, Neil Beaverson, and Craig Swandal. Mike Beauprez made a motion, seconded by Tom Audette to accept the 3 nominations. All approved.
Closing Remarks – Bruce Ohland announced that he is retiring from the UHLA Board after serving 20+ years. All his hard work and dedication to the Lake Association is greatly appreciated but he will truly be missed. However, he will still be around and we can get him on a committee!
The outlet was again discussed. No affirmative solution.
Hap Levander moved, Keith Huges seconded, to adjourn. Passed. Meeting adjourned at 10:45.
Respectfully submitted,
Jan Marshall, Secretary