Annual Meeting May 2016


MAY 21, 2016

Sign in, Pancake Breakfast and Pay Dues.

At 9:00 am President Claire Steen called the meeting to order with a warm welcome to all 37 people in attendance. A motion by Mike Beauprez, seconded by Lori Engel to approve the agenda.

A motion by Bob Smith, second by Judy Murphy to suspend the reading of the secretary’s minutes. Copies of the 2015 Annual Meeting minutes were available.

Our guest speaker was Sheila Carleton – Conservation Outreach Specialist – Crow Wing Soil & Water Conservation District. She gave an excellent report on WRAPS (Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategies). This program should be finalized by October 1, 2016, Gordie Reller, from the Board of Pine River Watershed, gave out a handout regarding the watershed and together with Sheila pointed out the importance for our concern with all water – rivers, lakes, agriculture, forestry, and underground. We have to have scientific data, as well as everyone’s help to protect our waters.

Judy Murphy introduced our next speakers, Matt and Logan, the “Dive Guys”. They spoke about aquatic weed removal, done by hand and with no chemicals. Together they explained briefly how they remove the weeds, the need for permits for special weeds, as well as limited to 2500 sq. ft. The charge is 40 cents/sq. ft., but will give a 10% neighbor discount. If interested, contact can be made:

Ken Meyer, treasurer, presented the treasurer’s report. Attached are copies of the report. Keith Hughes made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Mike Beauprez. Approved.

President Steen introduced the UHLA Board Members: Ken Meyer, Bruce Ohland, Nick Nikodym, Steve Scarborough, Judy Murphy, Mickey Perwien, Jan Marshall, plus absentee Whitey Larson.

Shoreline Restoration Projects – Upper Hay had 8 participants in the shoreline restoration project: Botz’s, Murphy’s, Meyer’s, Ford’s, Larson’s, Fleming’s, Ohland’s and Cindy Riech. Two handouts pertaining to the shoreland restoration project were addressed: “8th Annual WAPOA Shoreland Restoration Contest” and “Score Your Shore: a citizen shoreline description survey”. President Steen made a plea for everyone to please consider shoreline restoration to save our lake!

AIS Inspection at Boat Landing – President Steen announced that UHLA is once again approved for 400 hours of paid inspection for AIS at the boat landing this summer. To date, we don’t have a name who will be stationed at our lake.

Ken Meyer gave a “loon report” for the western side of the lake. We do have loons on the nest and the eggs should hatch around June 3rd or 4th. Gene DeLong reported that on the south end of the lake – not so successful. At first it seemed that it was a problem that “3’s a crowd”, but there still may be some hope there are eggs in the nest. Jill Bergstrom reported too many boats are scaring the loons off the nest by coming too close. DNR has stated that boaters need to stay 200 feet away from the nest. Not always being done!

Ken also reported we are once again having a problem with bright yard lights on properties around the lake. Please don’t leave your lights on all night, this is obnoxious to some. Claire also stated she has received e-mails regarding the bright lights left on all night. Please be considerate, turn off your lights!

Sandpiper Pipeline – Claire attended a meeting this spring in Little Falls regarding the pipeline. The pipeline going from Clearbrook to Superior by 2019 is delayed. They could consider an alternate route but apparently this is being ignored. What was originally reported that the pipeline could bring many permanent jobs for people in MN, really boils down to 20-22 permanent jobs. Everyone is encouraged to contact Friends of Headwaters or government members to express your feelings about saving our lakes.

Election of Board Members – Nick Nikodym thanked everyone for allowing him to serve on the UHLA Board but stated he was unable to serve another term. President Steen announced that Jill Bergstrom has volunteered to be a board member for a term, and Whitey Larson and Mickey Perwien have agreed to serve another 3-year term.

Discussion was held regarding the UHLA Summer Picnic, whether to continue to have the picnic or not. It seems that the same people do all the work, which is a lot, and lately the attendance is not that great. A survey was held along with registration for the meeting, and the results were about even. After the discussion, Sharon Leutem, seconded by Bob Smith, to cancel the picnic this year. Approved. In its place, members are going to try a Pontoon Party the first Wednesday each month during summer. Also, Sharon Leutem and Greg Marolt are going to spearhead a boat parade sometime during the July 4th weekend. Jean Ford will put the specifics on the website Next Door Neighbor. Be sure to watch for this exciting event!

Closing Remarks from our President:

  1. Use the outlet for canoeing, kayaking, etc. to help keep it open.
  2. Wild Rice Standing – because of all the development, we lost our wild rice standing.
  3. New Upper Hay glasses for sale – $8.00 each. New members to the lake get a pair free.
  4. Thank you to the kitchen crew: Bruce Ohland, Sharon & Guido Leutem, and Mickey Perwien.

Our closing speaker was Ron Meyer from the Pine River Watershed (PRW). Some interesting points were: the Pine River Watershed is going to help work on Upper Hay’s outlet; bring specific information to the PRW board; initially the PRW has 20 lakes to check; the PRW was started in 2004, has an annual budget of $5000 with 18,000 residents; membership dues are only $15.00 – you can help by joining; the PRW has a contract with Soil & Water for administrative help. Most important goal for the PRW is working with water quality. For more information, check out

Adjournment was at 10:50 am – Bruce Ohland made the motion to adjourn, seconded by Sue Nickodym. All in favor.

Respectfully submitted,
Jan Marshall, Secretary