Upper Hay Lake Association P.O. Box 769 Pequot Lakes, Minnesota 56472
Fall Newsletter October 2022 Page 1
What an amazing fall it has been! I have managed to get some last kayaking in to enjoy the crystal-like water and beautiful colors. It is a bittersweet time of the year as everyone is bringing in their boats and docks. We had a beautiful summer to create many memories tubing, fishing and skiing on Upper Hay Lake. I am always a little sad to see it come to an end but am thankful I can share the lake with you. A special “thank you” goes out to those UHLA members who attended the Burger Night at the Pequot Lakes Legion on August 5th . We had a great turnout and lots of conversation with people who hadn’t seen each other for a while. As a result of the successful turnout, the Upper Hay Lake Association Board decided to continue this night in August 2023. The bad news this fall is that residents on the lake have been finding zebra mussels on their docks while taking them out. I called Tim Plude, an Aquatic Invasive Species Specialist at the DNR and he told me that he thought the infestation was later than expected since they were first present in the Whitefish Chain in 2012. Tim recommends lifting boat motors out of the water. If you have a pump for watering, be sure to clean it off. Presently, there is not a good control method. They can be found years after treatment and the pesticide used is quite toxic and will kill all fish food and the fish as well. Be sure that you use a dock service that is on the preferred list since they have taken the AIS classes. If you have further questions, you are welcome to call Tim at 218-203-4354. Please mark two dates on your 2023 calendar. We will have our annual meeting on Thursday, June 15th at 5:00 PM. After considerable discussion, the board thought we would try an evening meeting and move the date from the May weekend. It seems that many Upper Hay Lake residents are busy working on their properties in the spring. There are also lots of graduation parties and family celebrations at that time of the year. I have scheduled a speaker from the National Loon Center at 5:00 PM followed by burgers at 6:00 PM. The other important date is Thursday, August 3, 2023 for a Burger Night. Can’t wait to see you for both dates!
A friendly reminder that the Upper Hay Lake Association will only be successful if we have a strong and interested membership. Thank you for your commitment to keeping our lake clean and beautiful. Enjoy the fall colors and the change of seasons!
–Claire Steen
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Claire Steen has received a couple emails regarding zebra mussels. In a recent email she stated, “I am so disappointed! It sounds like there are quite a few on the dock sections that are coming out.”
Last week Claire talked with the AIS person at the DNR. He said they were first detected in the Whitefish chain in 2012, so he thought Upper Hay would have had a much greater infestation years ago. She asked him to speak at our spring meeting, but he is not willing to commit at this time.
– Brad Schultz
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UHLA hosted the second annual Burger Night on August 4, 2022. This time at The American Legion in Pequot Lakes at 5:30 P.M. This event replaced the picnic again. People seemed to like it. There were at least 41 in attendance, possibly more. People enjoyed the opportunity to visit. The association will keep this in August and try to do something similar for the annual meeting.
– Brad Schultz
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Minnesota law requires docks and boat lifts to be out of the water for at least 21 days before putting them in another body of water. When removing boats, docks, lifts, or other water- related equipment from lakes and rivers, carefully inspect everything to make sure there are no aquatic invasive species (AIS) such as zebra mussels, Eurasian watermilfoil, or New Zealand mud-snails attached. Look on the posts, wheels, and underwater support bars of docks and lifts, as well as any parts of boats, pontoons, and rafts that may have been submerged in water for an extended period. In newly infested waters, adult zebra mussels may not be abundant and you might notice only a few mussels on your equipment. If you think you have discovered an invasive species that has not already been confirmed in your lake, contact your area DNR aquatic invasive species specialist. Early detection for zebra mussels is important in protecting your property and Minnesota ’ s water resources. Learn how you can become a volunteer zebra mussel monitor. Many different invasive plants and animals harm Minnesota waters. Learn to identify aquatic invasive species.
Responding quickly to new AIS infestations is critical to help curb the spread into other water bodies. If you find something you suspect is a zebra mussel, faucet snail, or other aquatic invasive species, note the exact location, take a photo, keep the specimen, and contact a local Minnesota DNR AIS Specialist or fisheries office . Storing lifts and docks for winter You may remove water – related equipment from a water body – even if it has zebra mussels or other prohibited invasive species attached – and place it on the adjacent shoreline property without a permit. However, if you want to transport a dock or lift to another location for storage or repair, you may need a permit to authorize transport of prohibited invasive species and aquatic plants .
– Brad Schultz
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There have been no reports as there is no one inspecting this year. The board would like to request regular inspections next year. There may be a need for volunteers to man the landing. After discussion at the September meeting it was decided that, if possible, it would be nice to have it manned from 6- 10 AM and 4-6 or 7 PM. There is really no need any other time.
– Brad Schultz
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July, August, and September 2022 starry stonewort lake sampling has been completed. No invasive plants were found. Areas sampled were both sides of the dock at the public landing and frontage by the dock at Hideaway Resort. All vegetation pulled from lake was identified as native.
– Neil Beaverson
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Does there need to be an annual meeting in the spring? The board discussed this question about what the bylaws require at their September 2022 meeting. The By-laws read that it is to be held the Saturday prior to Memorial Day Weekend. Since we haven’t had a good attendance lately, we thought more people would come if the meeting were to be moved to June – perhaps June 15th. It was voted to try a temporary change before amending the By-laws. Burger night was a success; so it was decided to hold the annual meeting as a Burger night with meeting first. The meeting will be held from 5-6 PM and then burgers will be served. Members would need to be at the meeting at 5:00 to get a ticket to the burger portion of the night.
– Brad Schultz
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–Claire Steen
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Here is great way to connect with others on the lake, whether it is the app for your phone, or the website for your computer. Signing up for Nextdoor is easy.
Someone might post that they found the lost life jacket your two-year-old threw over the boat unbeknown to you. Perhaps you just want to find the best lawn care person, or you no longer can handle the dock and lift anymore, and you want to find someone you can hire. Lost dog, want to sell something…. it all can be done on Nextdoor. https://nextdoor.com/neighborhood/?source=more_menu
–Judy Murphy
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To date we have 91 paid members for $2,415.00, plus extra donations of $1,197.00. In addition, we have two members paid for 2022 and one for 2023. I did not send out delinquency notices this year as our annual membership meeting was so late in the year. Hopefully we will be back over 100 next year. We currently have $1,687.35 in checking, $5,305.53 in savings, and $36,090.24 in CDs totaling $43,083.12.
–Ken Meyer
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A new Upper Hay Lake Association website has been developed since our current website will no longer be supported by Conservation Minnesota. Jack Wheeler from Blue Hat Design has converted it to a new format. Brad Schultz will be adding updates soon. The site is located at:
–Brad Schultz
On August 5, 2021, the Annual Upper Hay Lake meeting was held at the Jenkins VFW Club. There was a total of 33 in attendance. The speaker for the evening was Nicolle Erickson, Environmental Service Specialist. She gave a presentation regarding the lakes in Crow Wing County—especially all the aquatic invasive species invading our waters: zebra mussels, Eurasian watermilfoil and starry stonewort. Information about Crow Wing County AIS prevention efforts, including interactive maps to search for the status of area lakes, can be found at www.crowwing.us/ais. The president presented an open forum for lake residents to voice their concerns. Issues raised included the depths of the water and having the DNR install markers, turning off bright lights around the lake at night, discussion about bears, and traffic on the lake. Brad Schultz provided entertainment—minnow races. The winner was Susan Dubay.
–Brad Schultz
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Here’s a great opportunity to become an active member of the Upper Hay Lake Community
The Upper Hay Lake Association is looking for volunteers to be Beach Captains, as a Beach Captain you will be the Go-To person, who welcomes new neighbors, conveys concerns to the Board, and notifies their neighbors of pertinent information regarding the lake. We need several volunteers for each side of the lake.
Please contact if you are interested: Neil Beaverson 651-429-2023 Jack Woodruff 612-802-2024 –Judy Murphy |
To address various concerns, the idea of beach captains was suggested by Claire Steen at the annual meeting. The following members volunteered: Cindy Rieck – south side; Neil Beaverson – northwest side; Greg Murphy – southwest side; Mike Dubay – east side; and Jack Woodruff – north side.
–Brad Schultz
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This fall, Conservation Minnesota is proud to launch Conservation Crew, a student leadership program for Minnesota middle schoolers designed to empower youth through conservation projects. As a youth-led after school program, the Crew will research, select, and complete a conservation project that benefits its school or the surrounding community. Each Crew will be supported by a teacher and Conservation Minnesota staff. The new program will engage students from across the state and reach communities who might not otherwise have an opportunity to learn about conservation. Individual schools will share their work with one another, enabling collaboration with students from different backgrounds. Opportunities to meet with local policymakers and conservation professionals will build students’ leadership and communication skills. In the spring, three outstanding projects will be awarded prizes to fund future activities. By investing in students, we hope to foster a lifetime connection to conservation and the Great Outdoors and equip young leaders with the skills they need to protect our environment. As students begin their projects, we will provide updates on our website at: conservationminnesota.org/crew
–Conservation Minnesota Fall 2021 Newsletter
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For over 10 years, the Clean Water, Land, & Legacy Amendment has played an important role in preserving our state’s natural resources. Conservation Minnesota continues to watch this funding source closely to ensure the money is used as voters intended. One way Legacy Amendment dollars are spent is in educating the next generation of Minnesotans. Funding in this year’s Legacy Bill, passed in June by the state Legislature, included several projects that will provide opportunities for kids to get involved in the Great Outdoors. Learn how all Legacy Amendment funds are spent at: legacy.leg.mn Here are a few projects:
- Minnesota Green Schoolyards, The Trust for Public Land This pilot project will assess, promote, and demonstrate how schoolyards can improve water, air, and habitat quality. It will foster the next generation of stewards, while improving health, education, and community outcomes.
- Minnesota Freshwater Quest: Environmental Education on State Waterways, Wilderness Inquiry 30,000 underserved Minnesota youth (grades 6–12) will explore and improve their local waterways using freshwater species as the hook for place-based, hands-on environmental education.
- The Voyageurs Classroom Initiative, Voyageurs National Park Association. The Voyageurs Classroom will connect 6,000 Minnesota youth to Voyageurs National Park over three years to learn about its waters, wildlife, forests and skies, and engage in its preservation.
–Conservation Minnesota Fall 2021 Newsletter
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At the last Annual Board Meeting, we had an open discussion with Association members, one of the main concerns is the light pollution around the lake, the light that extends past its usage, and interferes with non-owners of that light. In the past I have had many people complain to me about their neighbor’s garage or cabin outside lights that shine all night and light up their home so they don’t even need to use a nightlight. They find this very invasive, and it can manifest into problems with their neighbors. There also have been many complaints about lights from across the lake shining into bedroom windows, or just shining at them as they are sitting on their dock trying to enjoy the serenity and magnitude of the night sky. Light pollution impacts everyone, including animals and the environment they depend on to survive. It was not that long ago, that we all could walk outside, whether it was on the dock or just on your land, look up and gaze in amazement at the beauty of night sky. Now it is like living in the city!
Good Outdoor Lighting Should:
- Optimize visibility at night for what we want lit
- Minimize energy consumption
- Minimize impact on the environment and ourselves
- Minimize glare
- Minimize light trespass
Please be kind and either use motion sensor lights or lights on a timer.
–Judy Murphy
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Term Ends
Beaverson, Neil 33904 N. Oak Dr. 651-429-6672 nmbeaverson@comcast.net 2023
417 Bear Ave. S.
Vadnais Heights, MN 55127
Braun, Bob 4875 Popple Trail 651-452-2872 rhbraun@comcast.net 2022
1262 Wilderness Curve 651-587-5596 – Cell
Eagan, MN 55123
Engel, Lori 4305 Acorn Lane 651-247-8135 – Cell engel.lori1@gmail.com 2024
Larson, Whitey 33061 W Shady Beach Ln 218-568-5831 whiteylar@me.com 2022
Meyer, Ken 4345 Acorn Lane 218-568-5414 kenmeyer@tds.net 2024
Treasurer 218-820-7683 – Cell
Murphy, Judy 33424 S. Oak Drive 218-330-1890 – Cell jamurphy61.jm@gmail.com 2023
Perwien, Mickey 33546 N. Oak Drive 612-386-4858 – Cell mperwien@gmail.com 2022
Schultz, Brad 33143 Osprey Circle 952-393-1758 nlonglakers@gmail.com 2023
Steen, Claire 33161 Osprey Circle 218-829-3757 Claire.steen@charter.net 2024
President 29 Kingwood Street 218-330-7059 – Cell
Brainerd, MN 56401
Woodruff, Jack 4861 Popple Trail 612-802-3832 woodruffgarden17@yahoo.com 2024
Honorary Board Member